Monday, September 30, 2019

Investigation Completion and Analysis Essay

Evaporation is a process where liquid is converted to vapor with the purpose of separating it from a dissolved solid or from a liquid that is higher in boiling point in experiments or investigations on how to separate soluble solid in liquids (Holland, 2005). Evaporation technique was chosen for the experiment because it is easy and simple to execute compared to other methods of separation such as distillation. 2. Distillation Distillation is an investigative technique used in separation of mixtures based on conditional and differences required to change the components phases of the mixture. It can be applied in a mixture of liquids, and the mixture of soluble solutes and solvents like in this experiment. During the distillation process, the water is heated into the gas phase of the vapor leaving the salts deposits, then condenses back into liquid form that is then collected. The process is then repeated again to improve the water purity (Porteous, 2010). This method was obtained because pure water can be obtained 3. Crystallization This technique is a process of solid crystals formation from a solution. This technique is a technique of separating solids and liquids in which transfer of solute from a solution to a solid crystalline which pure occurs (Jones, 2002). This method was chosen because pure solutes can be obtained. Modifications made, and justification for the changes 1. In evaporation, I applied some heat from flames to the containers holding solution of water and salt. I applied the heat to increase the rate of evaporation instead of leaving it open in the air and under the sunshine that is slow. 2. I used ice in the condenser to condense maximum amount of vapor. Moreover, I re-distilled the condensed water to get maximum dissolved salts again. 3. In crystallization, I left the crystallization process to proceed slowly undisturbed instead of fast cooling. This was to prevent impurities from getting attached to the salts and also to get bigger crystals. Ways to ensure the accuracy To ensure accuracy, I ensured that the same amount of solvent and solution was used in the three experiments. Moreover, an equal amount of time was applied on all the experiments to get accurate results. Lastly, I ensured that the salts and the water had no impurities that could affect their boiling points. Ways to ensure reliability Reliability in the techniques was determined by the experiments producing consistent results. To ensure reliability, I started with the evaporation method which the results were salt and water, distillation and crystallization also produced consistent results of salt and water.Ways to ensure validity Validity indicates the extent to which the applied technique in the separation process separated the components it was intended to separate. To ensure the validity, I ensured that salt and water which were the components of the solution that was to be separated were the end products. The process requires a lot of heat energy which might be expensive. However, solar heat is slow and evaporates small quantities of the solution. The method is suitable in situations where salt is the only product needed. However, collection of water vapor is difficultDistillation The distillation process desalinate water removes dangerous heavy metals like mercury, arsenic and lead, and the soluble salts that harden the water such as magnesium, calcium and phosphorous. Therefore, it is preferable for distillation of drinking water. However, this process is ineffective in separation of soluble salts that has lower boiling points than water such as synthetic chemicals, chlorine solutions, herbicides and pesticides (Porteous, 2010). Moreover, it requires large source of heat which is costly. Lastly, the distillation process strips water its natural trace elements; hence the hydrogen composition in water increases and makes water acidic (Porteous, 2010). Crystallization The process is complex compared to the evaporation method. It is also unsuitable where water is to be collected as an end product. However, it is advantageous since pure salts can be obtained for usage (Jones, 2002). b) Suggestions of possible improvements Alternative sources of heat could be used such as the use of solar energy to reduce high costs incurred in the evaporation and distillation process. Despite the fact that solar energy cannot produce a high amount of energy needed to heat the large amount of the solution for a longer duration of time, it is the best cost-wise. Given that some dissolved salts have lower boiling points than the water hence difficult to separate them from water, the boiling point of water can be lowered by lowering the gas pressure above the liquid. The distillation process strips water its natural trace elements, hence making water to be acidic due to increased proportion of hydrogen. To avoid water being acidic, beneficial salts can be added into the water for human consumption such as calcium that is good in formation of bones. References Holland, C. D. (2005). Fundamentals and modeling of separation processes: absorption, distillation, evaporation, and extraction. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice-Hall. Jones, A. G. (2002). Crystallization process systems. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. Porteous, A. (2010). Saline water distillation processes. London: Longman. Source document

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Most Significant Events of Each Decade

Most Significant Events Final Project K A University of Phoenix: Axia College Jonathan Tietz November 28, 2010 Most Significant Events of the 50`s, 60`s 70`s 80`s and 90`s World War II lasted from 1939 to 1945. This was a war that involved most of the world’s nations and all of the world’s greatest powers. When the war ended the events that followed over the next five decades had a great effect on the American people. There are some events that had more of an effect than others. This paper will discuss five major events over five decades that has had a powerful effect on the American people.Beginning in 1950 and ending in 1990, this paper will discuss the most significant events from each decade that either positively or negatively changed the American way of living. The communist scare took place in the 1950`s. McCarthyism, named after a man named Joseph McCarthy was a republican U. S. senator. In the 1950`s anticommunism created fear among the American people (McCarth yism, 2006). McCarthy played on Americans fears in an effort to better his political campaign. He instilled this fear by convicting anyone who was a part of the communist party or had anything to do with it.During court hearing Americans remained silent so that they wouldn`t be accused of communism. He accused some of the United States federal government of being communist and soviet spies. McCarthy was unable to prove his claims and was therefore censored by the American government (McCarthyism, 2006). Americans lost their jobs if they were accused of communism, library books were burned to hide evidence of communist acts. Americans suffered greatly during this time as they had to walk on around on egg shells (McCarthyism, 2006). IfAmericans did not agree with anticommunism, they were considered to be communist and were punished for not supporting the American way. People feared McCarthy, but it all ended when he made a public mockery of senate procedures (McCarthyism, 2006). He en ded his career to be known as reckless and dishonest man. Americans want peace took place in the 1960`s. The Vietnam War was well overdue considering some events that took place after World War II. How did America get involved in the Vietnam War? It all started with the Atlantic Charter. Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston S.Church hill created this charter in hopes of a better world. Russia and China were not part of this charter and ultimately lead the U. S. to believe that Russia and China were involved in colonialism. Communism increased in South East Asia, mostly in Korea, Vietnam, China, and Cuba. The U. S. took action and attacked and conflict arose with Korea. The U. S. gets involved in Southeast Asia`s politics. North Korea invades South Korea. Nothing is accomplished and North Korea remains the same and South Korea remains the same. Next the U. S. inhabits South Vietnam.The U. S. helps rebuild South Vietnams economy. The U. S. tried to gain control over South Vietnams politi cs to avoid Vietnam turning communist. In 1965 North Vietnam attacked South Vietnam and American bases. North Vietnam lost the Vietnam War because they were no match for the American troops. The war had a dramatic effect on the American way of living. Americans rallied for peace and fell into the hippie era during the Vietnam War. During this time sex and drugs were on the rise. New drugs were introduced to the American people as the drug population grew.People began to have more sex during this time, which may have something to do with the increased drug use. The hippie era was a way of Americans expressing themselves of how they felt about the war. Many people wrote songs that told stories of things that were going on during that time. Mainly people wanted the war to end. Americans wanted peace, and sex, drugs and music was their way of getting away from it all. Detente took place in the 1970`s. Nixon`s visit to china in 1972 was an important step to build a relationship between A merica and China. This was the first time an American president had visited China.President Nixon visited China from February 21-28, 1972. Nixon reaffirmed interest for a peaceful settlement, and the U. S. continued to have relations with the Republic of China. Nixon was a strong advocate against communism so it surprised everyone when he went to visit china. He felt that if all nations cooperated with each other, then they could have reduced revenue and prevented a third world war. Nixon`s engagement with the communist was called Detente. Nixon held diplomatic conversations with China to establish a relationship and use that relationship against the Soviet Union.Nixon began the Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty. Soon after came the end of the cold war. All About the Benjamin’s, took place in the 1980`s the decade of corporate greed. During this time Ronald Regan was the president and he was looking for a way to improve the American economy. His economic policy focused on focused on four points. First Regan wanted to reduce government spending, reduce income, reduce government regulation and control the money supply (Reagonomics 2010). His approach involved reducing tax cuts for wealthy Americans, and cutting funding for lower class Americans ( Reagonomics 2010).Regan felt if he cut funds for people on welfare that those Americans would try to get jobs. He introduced the earned income credit. He felt that this tax credit would be a way to encourage the unemployed to get out and work. Regan economic policies had both positive and negative effects on the American way of living (Reganomics 2010). The wealthy became richer and the poor became poorer. The unemployment rate declined but there was an increase in homeless and hungry Americans. Regan thought that he could create wealth for the U. S. by allowing business owners and free market corporations to compete for wealth.Reagan lowered the oil windfall profit tax. He lifted the petroleum price, deregulated air lines, and most of the airlines went bankrupt. He thought he could fix things that he could not fix. His motives were in the right place but the actions he took were not completely in the Americas best interest. Many Americans suffered during this time, but still Reagan was elected for a second term. He was liked by many. Some believe that Reganomics benefited America. Some of the policies introduced by Reagan are still being used today. Some of Reagan’s policies served as a blueprint on different ways to better the conomy. The Never Ending War took place in the 1990`s. In the books it is written that the gulf war began in August 1990 and ended in February 1991, but a war in Iraq still goes on today (1990`s, 2010). The gulf war was a war waged by the U. N. led by the United States and The United Nations against Iraq. Iraq troops invaded Kuwait in 1990 and brought immediate economic sanctions against Iraq. United States president George H. W. Bush sent American soldiers to Sau di Arabia six months later (1990`s, 2010). Many nations joined the coalition with America but America had the majority in military forces.Following The United States was Saudi Arabia, The United Kingdom, and Egypt (Gulf War, 2010). There had already been friction with Iraq and the United States that date back to the Cold War. Iraq was an ally of the Soviet Union (Gulf War, 2010). The United States had a concern involving Iraq`s position on Israel and Palestinian politics because Iraq disapproved of peace between Israel and Egypt. On August 12, 1990 Saddam Hussein wanted to compromise (Gulf War, 2010). He requested an immediate freeze of all boycott and siege decisions and wanted normalization of relations with Iraq.The United States expressed that there would be no negotiations until Iraq came out of Kuwait. Many resolutions were passed regarding the invasion made by Iraq. The most important was Resolution 678, passed in November of 1990, which set a deadline for Iraq to withdrawal from Kuwait (Gulf War, 2010). The deadline was for January 15, 1991. Ultimately if Iraq did not withdrawal but that time, they would have to be forced out. This brings us back to the coalition. Some countries did not join the coalition but sent money in support of it. Some countries did not want to increase U. S. nfluence in the Middle East (1990`s, 2010). In the end many nations were persuaded. Nations were promised economic aid, debt forgiveness or threats to withhold aid. Today the war in Iraq continues. There are still American troops overseas. How long will this war continue? It is unknown, but what is known is that this war has been indirectly been going on for decades, and all other wars and significant events before this war ultimately led to this one. So what is going to happen to America for the years to come? How will our current president deal with current issue that are results of past presidents decisions?America still has the same economic problems that Regan faced. W e are still at war with Iraq even after the first President Bush left office. In the future I see the war continuing. After the attacks of 9/11 I don’t think that The United States government would feel comfortable if they pulled all of the soldiers out of Iraq. I see the United States falling into a deeper depression. After all we are dealing with years of economic recovery. The unemployment rate over the past years has dropped. It is extremely hard for some people to get jobs.What is so hard to understand is how the United States began as one of the strongest countries economically, socially and politically and now we are falling so far behind. The United States is falling behind in education and this used to be the leading country in education. The United States has fallen behind in production. How could a country that is not social developed, compete with other countries that are so far ahead? It is unknown where the United States will be a decade from now but based on th e past compared to now, we might be dealing with same old issues.It may be worst. There may be more homeless, hungry, unemployed Americans a decade from now. The way the deficit is Funding for welfare programs may get cut again. Things are still the same. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. If things do not soon change, there will be no hope for America’s future.Works CitedMcCarthyism. (2006, 8 23). Retrieved 11 23, 2010, from pbs. org: http://www. pbs. org/wnet/americanmasters/episodes/arthur-miller/mccarthyism/484/ 1990`s. (2010).Retrieved 11 28, 2010, from Wikipedia: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/1990s Gulf War. (2010).Retrieved 11 27, 2010, from Wikipedia: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Gulf_War Vietnam War. (2010).Retrieved 11 23, 2010, from wikipedia: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Vietnam_War

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Importance of Memory

The importance of memory What will happen if all human lost their memory? What if we can’t remember anything anymore? Can our society keep running? Can we live? The answer is simple. We can’t live without memory and the modern society will be destroyed. Here I’ll explain to you one by one. Memory plays a big role in our life. It is the processes by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved. Everything we see, we do, we think, will goes to memory and transform to implicit or explicit memory. Which will be saved in our brain.We could recall it anytime, even I’m using my implicit memory to type this report. Simply, our daily life is formed by memory, without it, we’re nothing. Why? If we don’t have memory, we can’t learn. Learning requires memory, if we’re unable to learn anything, we can only follow our basic instincts to live such as eating or having sexual intercourse. We’ll be worse than beasts if we live like that. Furthermore, we won’t be able to recognize anything. Somebody doubt that can we still learn from classical conditioning?The answer is no, because we can’t save the conditioned stimulus in brain, we don’t even remember we’re triggered by stimulus. Therefore, we won’t elicit by any conditioned stimulus. So if Pavlov’s dog don’t have memory, the whole theory won’t even exist. Without memory, we’ll lost many of our abilities and skills. Such as, languages, recognition. Unless we record everything we saw immediately and save it in a notebook. If human started with no memory, the modern society won’t be formed. Memory is an important part of what keeps society together, what shapes our culture, and what shapes us as individuals.We will be unable to develop anything. There won’t be revolution, human history can’t go further without memory. Therefore, It’s disastrous if human don’t have m emory at all. If we totally without implicit memory, human simply won’t exist. Breathing is an implicit memory. No one taught you to breathe, you just do it when you are born. If we don’t have implicit memory, no human will exist unless ape don’t have to breath. But it’s impossible that all human lost both his explicit and implicit memory, so the above parts is only a imagination.Let’s move on and talk about those people who have memory disorders such as Amnesia and Alzheimer’s disease. Memory disorders hinders the storage, retention and recollection of memories. That means their memory system are malfunctioned. The consequences could be very serious. Assume that i have Alzheimer’s disease, If i forget to lock my car, i i may lost it. If i forget to turn off my gas stove, it may cause explosion and I’ll die. As you can see, If we have memory disorders, we’ll face many troubles in our life, some are even life-threatening. Throw the with or without away, I’m now move on to next point. Which is how memory affect our personality and behaviour. Everyone got their own special personality. Memory has a deep influence on our personality, especially the early memories like your childhood. The best way to learn how early memories affect personality is to look at an example that analyzes someone's early memories. Here is one early memories of a middle aged man:â€Å"My little sister ate all the sweets in the box then when my mother asked her who did it she said that i am the one who ate them.I felt really angry†. Its clear that this guy has developed the belief that women are evil and that was perfectly aligned with his unexplained fear of the opposite sex. According to individual psychology all of the person's personality traits, beliefs, behaviour, thoughts and memories can be perfectly aligned to reflect the psychological goals he wants to reach. In the previous example one of the man's goals was to avoid women not to get harmed by them because he believed that they were evil.When we aligned his current psychological problems, his personality traits with his early memories we were able to see the full picture. Furthermore, there are some movies which can gives you more examples and perspectives, i recommend Frailty (2001), comprehensively explained how a religious fanatic father's visions lead to a series of murders by his son. To conclude, the importance of memory can’t be measure , a person needs proper memory or he can’t live normally and healthily, a society needs people like this to run or we’ll back to stone age.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Legal Aspects of Nursing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Legal Aspects of Nursing - Case Study Example an injury resulting from the negligence, a record of failure of the nurses on performing their duties properly on the patients, and direct failure in responsibility of care towards the patient during the patients stay at the medical facility (Iyer and Aiken 2001). The patients therefore must prove that their conditions worsened due to the malpractice or negligence (Rostant 1999). The law stipulates that any claim against a nurse is also one for the hospital owing to the professional of nursing working in hospital environment. For Jose’s case, there are several cases of liability against the hospital. First, there is administrative liability against the hospital. The hospital is liable for damages for not having an anesthetist in place for emergency cases. The absence of the anesthetist resulted to late surgery that consequently resulted to permanent disability of Jose’s shoulder and arm. The hospital is also administratively liable for Jose’s claim for not having properly functioning x-ray machine that took so long before determining Jose’s arm condition as requiring surgery. Third, there is a civil liability against the emergency physician. The emergency center physician is also liable for damages for neglecting the duty of contacting the anesthetist as soon as he realized that the emergency would result into surgery. It is his moral duty to ensure that a patient is not left in pain awaiting a physician whose presence is not available (Rostant 1999). The physician can be charged with civil liability for not making referral when he knew that Jose’s condition was bad and the anesthetist would not be available until morning. This delay resulted to severe pain for Jose. In Jose’s scenario, the hospital administration is responsible and not the emergency physician or the anesthetist. It is the responsibility of the hospital administration to ensure adequate personnel at all times and ensure adequate, effective and efficient machinery, equipment and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Global Warming, Extraction and Exploration Essay - 6

Global Warming, Extraction and Exploration - Essay Example Oil plays an endless and crucial part of the modern world. Other than being a critical source of energy, petroleum items serve as feedstock for a few purchaser products, subsequently playing a developing and pertinent part in individuals lives. Then again, the oil business holds a noteworthy capability of risks for nature and may affect it at distinctive levels ranging from air, water, soil, and every living being on the planet. Consequently, the broadest and hazardous outcome of oil and gas industry exercises is contamination and pollution. Pollution is experienced throughout all phases of oil and gas creation, from exploratory exercises to refining. Some of the main environmental effects include; While the greater part of global warming happens in the in rich nations such as the United States and other parts of Europe. It is the poorest nations, those that can least bear to adjust to an evolving atmosphere, who are suffering the most. Developing nations economies are hurt when oil is extracted from them, or when they are subject to unpredictable oil imports. Also, when the oil is at last flared and the carbon contained in it discharged into the environment. Oil contributes intensely to diminished agricultural output, extended dry spells, human health effects, displacement of people and other effectively watched and anticipated effects of environmental change (McKibben Para. 3). The impacts of environmental change are as of now being felt everywhere throughout the planet as climate change is turning out to be less predictable and everything from agribusiness and fisheries to the insurance business is being impacted. According to Hunter (24), when conducting oil exploration for offshore oil, the oil companies use seismic waves to analyze the possibilities of the rocks below the water surface to be bearing gas and oil. This process may result in the destruction of tissues and organs of fish and also  alter the means of communication of marine organisms as well as how they search for food.  

Draft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Draft - Essay Example Consequently, this brought an understanding that the values and beliefs are connected to cultural practices, traditions and rituals that chances their way of life (Nel, 2012). The summary also elaborated on the issues related to the differentiation of the cultural practices, customs and traditions. It also elaborates on the inherent patterns of behaviors that are transmitted from one generation to another. The term custom is defined in the article as a practice, which regulates the social life of certain group in the society, while rituals are defined as forms of cultural practices or ceremonies making a certain change in the society. Moreover, the article indicated that the Africa societies are linked to the cultural practices, traditions and customary issues. Moreover, the article explained these rituals involve various physical markings on the body such as circumcisions or body scarification (Tiley-Nel, 2012). In this case, these rituals are different based on the ethnic groups, whereby the ritual practices are symbols of maturity stage. In conclusion, the paper covers a summary of two articles covered in class, which include â€Å"Ndebele culture, traditions and rituals† by Tiley-Nel and Initiation cycles of traditional South African cultures by Nel, J. The articles cover a reflection of cultural, tradition and ritual practices in African society. The articles share ideas related to the practices among African society, which are practices in a contemporary society in the process of depicting the transition of the boys and girls to the adult hood. Therefore, this paper has focus on identifying the main points that are in these

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Imaginary dialogue between Parmenides and Heraclitus Essay

Imaginary dialogue between Parmenides and Heraclitus - Essay Example Ultimately, just as the river changes so do the properties of the universe. Parmenides: The water flows because of natural elements like the tilt of the Earth, not because the universe is fundamentally changing. The universe is the same now as it always has been and as how it always will be. Parmenides: I recognize that you make a strong argument Heraclitus. I agree with you that humans have no understanding of the future. However, this does not mean that anything different is occurring. Instead the fact that humans can remember the past but cannot recall the future is only an illusion. In actuality the future is the same as the past. Parmenides: Unfortunately Heraclitus your view of the universe and free will is mistaken. Since the universe is the same, all the elements in the universe are also the same. Since all the elements in the universe are the same, then cause and effect is the same and humans have no free

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Public law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Public law - Essay Example This right represents entitlements of an individual or groups visa-vis the government, in addition to responsibilities of an individual and authorities in the government. These kinds of rights are ascribed naturally (Bernan, 2008). Usually, these rights are advanced as legal rights in most constitutions and are secured by the rule of law. The right to protest however in the United Kingdom’s constitution is separate from and prior to law, and is used as a basis for formulating or criticizing both local and international law (Bernan, 2008). Even though various basic rights like the right to protest in the streets should be provided with sufficient protection under any circumstances since there is provision of this. This is provided for in international human rights records like the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights among others. However, whatever this merits in collaboration with the other UK constitutional arrangement aspects, flexibility has been proven to b e problematic where the fundamental individual liberties are concerned. The imprecision attending flexibility in the UK constitution has left its citizens uncertain regarding the disposition and limitations of the rights they have and regarding their relationship with state institutions. In short, rights such us the right to protest in the United Kingdom constitution are residual in that they exist to the extent that statutory or common law rules have not restricted them (Bernan, 2008). 2. The rights protected by The European Convention of Human Rights. This convention clearly postulates several freedoms and rights such us the right to life, prohibition of torture, prohibition of slavery and forced labor, right to liberty and security, right to an impartial trial, no punishment without law, right to respect for private and family life, freedom of belief, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and association, right to marry, right to an effective remedy and prohibition of discri mination. Parties undertook to ensure that these rights and freedoms are equally secured to everyone within their jurisdiction. International enforcement machinery is also established by the convention. The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg was set up to make certain that the observances of the engagements are undertaken by the parties also dealing with individual and inter-state petitions. The Court has the mandate to give advisory opinions pertaining to the interpretation of the conventions and the protocols thereto as requested by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe (Delmas-Marty, 1992). The control machinery which was set up by the convention has undergone some restructuring as a result of the entry into force of Protocol No. 11 to the convention on 1st November, 1998. Following this, all suspected violations of human rights are directly referred to the court. Usually, during the cases, the Court sits in Chambers of seven judges. It determines the acce ptability and merits of submissions and undertakes an investigation if necessary. With a view to safeguarding a friendly settlement of the matter based on respect for human rights as stipulated in the Convention and the protocols thereto, the Court will also put itself at the disposal of the parties. Court hearings are public unless the Court decides otherwise in situations of circumstances regarded as exceptional (Delmas-Marty, 1992). 3. The human rights act 1998 and the way in which the rights protecte

Monday, September 23, 2019

Police Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Police - Essay Example In the case of a large-scale police box, someone is always there, so it is convenient for visitors. In contrast, each residential police box is manned by just one officer, making it possible to cover a wide area with a small number of personnel. The residential police box system is effective in rural and semi-rural areas, where there are relatively few crimes and accidents. Since officers posted at residential police boxes work and live in the same place with the ir family, they can keep in closer contact with community residents. Police boxes vary widely in size. Apart from an office area, a police box has a simple kitchen and break room for officers. A "community room", a reception room for residents, has recently been incorporated. Residential police boxes have been built as a combination of office and residence, and recently they also contain a community room in the office section. Small-size police cars are deployed at many police boxes and residential police boxes for use in pa trols and trips to and from the police station. All police boxes and residential police boxes feature a red lamp above their entrances. Many community residents feel reassured when they see this lamp, and it has become an instantly recognizable symbol for a police box or residential police box. ... Under the three-shift system in which most police box officers works, on-duty officers work from one morning to the next, but their net working hours are 16, because they receive a total of an eight-hour break over the shift. At busy police boxes such as those located in city areas, however, officers cannot take such long breaks. In contrast, a residential police box officer works eight hours a day and five days a week. However, he needs to receive residents even outside working hours if requested. Because the area of a residential police box is fairly large, door to door visits are usually undertaken simultaneously with patrols. The wife often helps her husband by, for example, receiving visitors while the husband is out . The duties of officers assigned to patrol cars are more specific, and cover mobile patrols, the arrest of offenders, and rushing to the scene of crimes and accidents, followed by initial action. They perform the ir duties in pairs, with one officer driving the vehicle, while the other keeps an eye out for suspicious persons, and engages in radio communication. Patrols are the most important duty for community police officers in that the visible presence of police officers in their uniforms prevents crimes and gives community residents sense of security. Patrols are in principle to be perfo rmed either on foot or by bicycle, because that way officers can effective ly grasp the situation and assess suspicious persons. Where the area of the police box is large, a small patrol car or motorcycle may be used. While on patrol, officers question suspicious persons and make arrests or give guidance or warnings if there is a crime or an unlawful activity. They also give guidance to traffic law violators and juvenile delinquents, take care of drunken persons

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Human - Ultraviolet Essay Example for Free

Human Ultraviolet Essay After taking the quiz, it gives me a deeper impression of what race really is, and provide me a clear, new, and accurate understanding about how we are different. From the previous study I knew that human DNA can be traced back to Africa population, we have the same ancestry. But I have never further my thought to think about why there are differences among us. The differences and variation of us such as skin color, height, and susceptibility to disease is because changes in genes and environment. After the expansion of human from Africa, those slightly changes in genetics due to the changes of environment that human are encounter with that forms the differences of our appearance. For example, the differences of the skin color is due to the ability of adapting ultraviolet radiation, and geographic differences from time to time evolution of the human being. Because of these differences occur, the word â€Å"race† is created to classify these variation among people in different region of the world. However, we are 98% similar to each other genetically, because we have the same ancestry that we start from a village in Africa. Racism is very serious problem in the world. It is a stressor to us, which would cause illness, and mental problem. As person who understand this concept need to spread the idea to avoid racism. Racism is a false perspective from the difference among us, because we are 98% the same with each other. ?Race Homework After taking the quiz, it gives me a deeper impression of what race really is, and provide me a clear, new, and accurate understanding about how we are different. From the previous study I knew that human DNA can be traced back to Africa population, we have the same ancestry. But I have never further my thought to think about why there are differences among us. The differences and variation of us such as skin color, height, and susceptibility to disease is because changes in genes and environment. After the expansion of human from Africa, those slightly changes in genetics due to the changes of environment that human are encounter with that forms the differences of our appearance. For example, the differences of the skin color is due to the ability of adapting ultraviolet radiation, and geographic differences from time to time evolution of the human being. Because of these differences occur, the word â€Å"race† is created to classify these variation among people in different region of the world. However, we are 98% similar to each other genetically, because we have the same ancestry that we start from a village in Africa. Racism is very serious problem in the world. It is a stressor to us, which would cause illness, and mental problem. As person who understand this concept need to spread the idea to avoid racism. Racism is a false perspective from the difference among us, because we are 98% the same with each other. ?Race Homework After taking the quiz, it gives me a deeper impression of what race really is, and provide me a clear, new, and accurate understanding about how we are different. From the previous study I knew that human DNA can be traced back to Africa population, we have the same ancestry. But I have never further my thought to think about why there are differences among us. The differences and variation of us such as skin color, height, and susceptibility to disease is because changes in genes and environment. After the expansion of human from Africa, those slightly changes in genetics due to the changes of environment that human are encounter with that forms the differences of our appearance. For example, the differences of the skin color is due to the ability of adapting ultraviolet radiation, and geographic differences from time to time evolution of the human being. Because of these differences occur, the word â€Å"race† is created to classify these variation among people in different region of the world. However, we are 98% similar to each other genetically, because we have the same ancestry that we start from a village in Africa. Racism is very serious problem in the world. It is a stressor to us, which would cause illness, and mental problem. As person who understand this concept need to spread the idea to avoid racism. Racism is a false perspective from the difference among us, because we are 98% the same with each other. ?Race Homework After taking the quiz, it gives me a deeper impression of what race really is, and provide me a clear, new, and accurate understanding about how we are different. From the previous study I knew that human DNA can be traced back to Africa population, we have the same ancestry. But I have never further my thought to think about why there are differences among us. The differences and variation of us such as skin color, height, and susceptibility to disease is because changes in genes and environment. After the expansion of human from Africa, those slightly changes in genetics due to the changes of environment that human are encounter with that forms the differences of our appearance. For example, the differences of the skin color is due to the ability of adapting ultraviolet radiation, and geographic differences from time to time evolution of the human being. Because of these differences occur, the word â€Å"race† is created to classify these variation among people in different region of the world. However, we are 98% similar to each other genetically, because we have the same ancestry that we start from a village in Africa. Racism is very serious problem in the world. It is a stressor to us, which would cause illness, and mental problem. As person who understand this concept need to spread the idea to avoid racism. Racism is a false perspective from the difference among us, because we are 98% the same with each other. ?Race Homework After taking the quiz, it gives me a deeper impression of what race really is, and provide me a clear, new, and accurate understanding about how we are different. From the previous study I knew that human DNA can be traced back to Africa population, we have the same ancestry. But I have never further my thought to think about why there are differences among us. The differences and variation of us such as skin color, height, and susceptibility to disease is because changes in genes and environment. After the expansion of human from Africa, those slightly changes in genetics due to the changes of environment that human are encounter with that forms the differences of our appearance. For example, the differences of the skin color is due to the ability of adapting ultraviolet radiation, and geographic differences from time to time evolution of the human being. Because of these differences occur, the word â€Å"race† is created to classify these variation among people in different region of the world. However, we are 98% similar to each other genetically, because we have the same ancestry that we start from a village in Africa. Racism is very serious problem in the world. It is a stressor to us, which would cause illness, and mental problem. As person who understand this concept need to spread the idea to avoid racism. Racism is a false perspective from the difference among us, because we are 98% the same with each other. ?Race Homework After taking the quiz, it gives me a deeper impression of what race really is, and provide me a clear, new, and accurate understanding about how we are different. From the previous study I knew that human DNA can be traced back to Africa population, we have the same ancestry. But I have never further my thought to think about why there are differences among us. The differences and variation of us such as skin color, height, and susceptibility to disease is because changes in genes and environment. After the expansion of human from Africa, those slightly changes in genetics due to the changes of environment that human are encounter with that forms the differences of our appearance. For example, the differences of the skin color is due to the ability of adapting ultraviolet radiation, and geographic differences from time to time evolution of the human being. Because of these differences occur, the word â€Å"race† is created to classify these variation among people in different region of the world. However, we are 98% similar to each other genetically, because we have the same ancestry that we start from a village in Africa. Racism is very serious problem in the world. It is a stressor to us, which would cause illness, and mental problem. As person who understand this concept need to spread the idea to avoid racism. Racism is a false perspective from the difference among us, because we are 98% the same with each other. ?Race Homework After taking the quiz, it gives me a deeper impression of what race really is, and provide me a clear, new, and accurate understanding about how we are different. From the previous study I knew that human DNA can be traced back to Africa population, we have the same ancestry. But I have never further my thought to think about why there are differences among us. The differences and variation of us such as skin color, height, and susceptibility to disease is because changes in genes and environment. After the expansion of human from Africa, those slightly changes in genetics due to the changes of environment that human are encounter with that forms the differences of our appearance. For example, the differences of the skin color is due to the ability of adapting ultraviolet radiation, and geographic differences from time to time evolution of the human being. Because of these differences occur, the word â€Å"race† is created to classify these variation among people in different region of the world. However, we are 98% similar to each other genetically, because we have the same ancestry that we start from a village in Africa. Racism is very serious problem in the world. It is a stressor to us, which would cause illness, and mental problem. As person who understand this concept need to spread the idea to avoid racism. Racism is a false perspective from the difference among us, because we are 98% the same with each other.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Politics Essays Advertisements Campaigns Voters

Politics Essays Advertisements Campaigns Voters Advertisements Campaigns Voters Political Advertisements reflecting Political Orientations This paper tries to argue, and somehow support, that political advertisements during electoral campaigns reflect the political orientation of the voters. The Philippines is known for its festive mood all year round done through fiestas and other celebrations showcasing the very Filipino among us. To bring this to home is to mention our annual celebration of the Sinulog. The Sinulog 2007 Magazine presents the colorful celebration of the whole country in honor of the child Jesus Senor Sto. Nino. This celebration along with the other celebrations all over the country signifies the dynamics of our culture and this had been passed from one generation to another. Making the young ones realize and appreciate its value and importance. But festivals are not the only colorful features of the Philippines, we are likewise known to have very festive conduct of elections. Yes, elections in the Philippines resemble the celebration of fiestas. In the very recently concluded May 14, 2007 Congressional and local elections the whole country have witnessed how politicians have used almost all forms of campaigning just to be properly known and eventually be voted by the electorates. In fact, as a result of campaign many of the politicians’ tarpaulin were left scattered prompting a businesswoman to convert them into bags, which were distributed to the fire victims somewhere in Metro Manila. The reason for this was the huge volume of tarpaulin spent for by the candidates all for their desire to vote. To add, flyers and sample ballots were voluminously reproduced for the same purpose. However, for those who have a broader financial base they took advantage of the mass media in airing (broadcast and print) their political advertisements. The patronage of politicians to the use of media is itself a statement of the wide reach of the latter as well as the extent of its possible impact on the decisions of the electorates. Most studies about the media try to look into how it operates in the â€Å"democratic† Philippines or how it influences the behavior of people, especially during elections. However, it is likewise interesting to explore what is reflected by the media as the society’s character, behavior and culture. Hence, this essay describes the electorates’ political orientation that is projected or reflected in the political advertisements of politicians. However, it is bounded by the following delimitations: only the political advertisements of the Mayoral and Vice-Mayoral candidates of Cebu City are considered, this is for purposes of a more focused analysis. Furthermore, I made use of only print ads from newspapers, this is due to limited access to television advertisements. These delimitations may in the end limit as well the conclusion of this essay, however this can also serve as an initial study for a broader consideration by other scholars. Culture, Politics and Media From the sociological point of view, Giddens (2002) defined culture broadly to be the way of life of the members of society or groups within a society. It is that â€Å"something† that unites a society together and that which stitches the relations of people and social structures. However, culture is by nature not easily definable due to the fact that it’s merely manifested, such as its tangible and intangible aspects. Many theorists have imparted their own share of conceptualization about culture. Worth mentioning in this essay are the contributions of Jules Henry (1980). Jules Henry postulated the anthropological idea that culture is preserved and perpetuated, and it is necessarily reproduced through the process of interaction among people in society. From here it can be deduced that culture is by its very nature transmissible therefore learned. Hence, the culture of a society is passed on to the next generations in a dynamic fashion of learning. The example highlighted by Henry is the cultural dreams turned nightmare of the Americans because of the highly consumeristic culture projected by the media. Jules Henry is decisive in prescribing the idea that the media is constructing a culture that is not reflective of the real needs of the public. From this contribution of Henry we can understand that the process of transmitting culture can be facilitated by a number of ways and means or agents. Socialization is a primary channel for the transmission of culture over time and generation. There had been a continued discourse on culture and many scholars were engaged in more cultural studies during the heights of the behavioral revolution and the participation explosion after World War II. The behavioral revolution did not exclusively affect the cultures of the world but also the functioning of polities. If in the past the study of politics was focused on the state, being the only institution which can authoritatively allocate the values to the society (Easton, 1953: 146) the behavioral revolution had inspired other political scientists to engage in scholarships involving politics and culture. Among them were Gabriel Almond and Sidney Verba in their breakthrough study published in 1963. They studied about the Civic Culture of five countries by looking into the political attitudes as well as the practice of democracy in said five nations. In the study of political culture, culture must be understood as an individual’s psychological orientation toward social objects (Almond and Verba, 1963: 14). Almond further emphasized that political culture refers to the political system as internalized in the cognitions, feelings and evaluations of its population. From here, the specificity of culture as applied in understanding politics is clarified. Hence, political culture refers to the specifically political orientations attitudes toward the political system and its various parts, and attitudes towards the role of the self in the system (Almond and Verba, 963: 13). Verba also contributed his definition of political culture to consist of the system of empirical beliefs, expressive symbols, and values which defines the situation in which political action takes place (1965:513). The polity’s political culture is only one aspect of politics at the same time only an aspect of culture. From such definitions we can draw the different modes of political orientations referred to by Almond and Verba, which are considered of high relevance because these help us understand how an individual may potentially react to political stimulus. They are: 1) cognitive orientation; 2) affective orientation; and 3) evaluative orientation. Cognitive orientation refers to the knowledge of and belief about the political system. Ranney added that this include the information that an individual has about political affairs (1995:65). Moreover, other scholars look into the person’s level of awareness as a way of knowing his/her cognitive orientation. Example of this is whether a person is aware of the list of local officials in their local government. Or it could be an inquiry into the various political issues s/he is aware of. From here the level of a person’s cognitive orientation is defined. Therefore, if the kind of information presented before the public is more knowledge-based we can infer that the presumption is that the public still need to be fed with pertinent information to be aware. Affective orientation refers to the feelings an individual may have about the political system, its roles, personnel and performance. This orientation includes how individuals feel for a political phenomenon. For instance, how the people feel about the cheating issues posed against the Arroyo administration last 2004 elections. The emotions or the mood developed on the individual constitute his/her affective orientation. Hence, if the information presented for the public appeals more to the recipient’s emotion, it be could under the presumption that people already know the information and have developed shared emotion with the messenger. Lastly, Evaluative orientation, this refers to the judgments and opinions formulated by individuals as a response to political objects which involves the combination of value standards and criteria with information and feelings. This is considered to be the most important type of political orientation because it determines the type of political culture of the polity. Furthermore, public opinions, to be useful, must be translated to public judgment and the latter must be manifested through public action. There is a need for an individual to translate one’s judgment to action in order to substantially affect how political objects function. Good examples for this were EDSA 1 and 2. The people’s knowledge and feelings about the abuses of Marcos’ dictatorship were eventually translated to a public judgment of discontent hence, making possible the flooding of people in EDSA as a manifestation of their feeling of discontent and disappointment, very similar to the EDSA 2 circumstances. Therefore, if an information ignites action it presupposes that the people are already aware and have similar affect to a particular issue and would just need to share such sentiment to the rest. These three will be the basis in analyzing the campaign advertisements of the candidates for mayor and vice-mayor in Cebu City. I will look into the kind of messages they have and from there try to understand the orientation they believe the voters have. Both references did not only provide definitions of socialization but went on to say that this processes proceeds from an individual’s early stage in life up to one’s old age. This only means that this is continuous and dynamic. They also added that since this process is continuous there are various agents which help transmit the necessary political orientations. These agents are but not limited to the: Family; School; Peer Groups; Church; Mass Media; Government; and International Community (Ranney, 1995: 61-65; Almond and Powell, 2004: 58).On the other hand, understanding political culture with the general concept of culture would mean that political culture is also transmissible, and is best facilitated through political socialization. Almond and Powell defined socialization to be the way in which political values are formed and the political culture is transmitted from one generation to the next (2004: 52). Austin Ranney also gave his conception of political socializ ation to be the developmental process from which people acquire their political orientations and patterns of behavior (1995: 58). Each of these agents has their respective ways of influencing an individual about the political. Among the most popular of these are family and mass media. In fact, most literature describing the political culture of Filipinos propound the idea that it is governed by familism, kinship ties and patron-client relations (Lande, 1965; McCoy, 1994; Sidel, 1999). On the other hand, the next most popularly regarded to influence an individual’s political orientation is the mass media. In fact, scholars have concluded that the media really have social and political effects to the public. Furthermore, they contend that â€Å"every culture has means of preparing and conditioning its members to adopt expected social roles and activities and the mass media often times have an unrecognized role in this process.† Hence, the importance in looking into how the media influence or reflect the public is very much important. Most often the influences of these agents are best manifested every time an individual takes part in a democratic exercise such as elections. The paragraphs to follow will be devoted into discussing the relevance of the media in politics as well as the evolution of the conduct of elections in the Philippines. Media In general terms, understanding the media inevitably requires understanding of communication which, in its simplest context, is the act of sending ideas and attitudes from one person to another. Moreover, communication of people may either be intrapersonal, interpersonal, or through mass communication. Communicating within one person is intrapersonal communication. While, communicating with another person is interpersonal. Lastly, communication between a person or a group of persons to a larger audience through a transmitting device is mass communication. In mass communication there are important elements that need to be present: a) sender or the source who is responsible in putting in the message on the channel; b) channel, which is the medium that delivers the message to the receiver, an example of this would be the television, newspapers, magazine and the like; c) receiver, who is the intended (or unintended) audience of the message the public; and d) the feedback from the receiver, this occurs when the receiver responds to the message sent by the sender. Mass communication is best characterized by: a) the message is sent out using some form of mass media (newspaper or television); b) the message is delivered rapidly; and c) the message reaches large groups of different kinds of people simultaneously or within a short period of time. The idea of mass media really brings as much information to as wide an audience as possible, this makes the transmission of information easier and corollary to this would mean a more precise message. There is more to mass media than merely transmitting messages. Other theorists propounded that â€Å"a person who takes a steady diet of mass media messages may be conditioned to believe that the world presented by the media is an accurate reflection of reality.† This is very much related to the concept of Jules Henry wherein the media, through its various advertisements, create a â€Å"cultural dream† for the public as evidence by growing consumerism among the people (1980). This brings me to the book of Dan Nimmo and James Combs Mediated Political Realities (1983). The book centers on the public having mediated realities. Walter Lippman said that â€Å"people act on the basis of pictures they carry around in their heads, pictures of the way they think things are† furthermore, he added â€Å"these pictures are derived from and changed by one’s direct experiences as well as those which they don’t deal directly.† This only means that not all realities are experienced firsthand, rather, our realities are complemented by things we are made to believe to be realities this is facilitated by a medium which is the mass media. Hence, it becomes a valid inquiry of whether the realities we see reflected by the media are in fact real. The authors went on to postulate that â€Å"each of us forges our own reality† which means that what we may consider reality may not be conceived similarly by others. In addition, a situation may mean various realities to various people hence, there cannot be a universal reality because they are all mediated. The concept of mediated realities is brought by the influx of other means of communications, which is mass communications sometimes complementing and in competition with other means or agents (Nimmo and Combs, 1983: 5). The authors went on to say that â€Å"social reality is constituted, recognized, and celebrated with media.† Meaning that the media indeed has a huge role to play in the process of making and unmaking realities. This pushes us to another level of looking into realities, whether they are truly real or otherwise. From here, a caveat is better put in place, that what we see and experience through the media may simply be a construction we are made to believe or could be a reflection of what is truly real. The second postulation is taken adeptly by this essay for a number of reasons: a) the context of this essay is in the Philippines wherein a number of legislations are in place to govern the media; and b) such regulations highlight the importance of responsibly delivering the news to the public. Media in the Philippines As initially stated above, studies about media are often centered on its role/s in a society. For example, the role of the media during the time of Marcos it was noted that the media during the Martial Law years were either under the payroll of some politicians or were frankly against the reign of Marcos. Furthermore, Sussman also mentioned that there were over twenty journalists documented to have been killed during the time of Marcos for expressing disagreeable opinion against local warlords. The struggle for press freedom was also strong but was forcefully countered by a number of Presidential Decrees issued by Marcos to curtail any free expression through the press. Marcos even ordered the closure of media companies which were directly countering the mandates of his government, one of them was ABS-CBN of the Lopezes. However, the tides took a different turn on the eve of EDSA 1, the airwaves were useful when Cardinal Sin through Radio Veritas urged the people to pray and defend democracy. The remaining media strength who looked into the political situation in the Philippines were the foreigners as they covered most of the fraudulent activities, especially during the conduct of previous elections. Moreover, the change of government from dictatorial to democratic also paved way for a freer mass media. To further ensure its free exercise, the same is guaranteed in Sec. 4, Art. III of the 1987 Constitution Freedom of Speech and Expression and of the Press. The â€Å"press† specifically cover every sort of publications: newspapers, periodicals, magazines, books, handbills, leaflets, other written materials, television and radio broadcasting are also included. This only proves how much we regard, in terms of importance, the sector of the media in our country. Media and Philippine Elections The conduct of Philippine elections is likewise filled with a rich experience. The Documentary Eleksyong Pinoy is actually a very rich resource in terms of the evolution of our electoral exercise. To make it very comprehensive, the producers included personalities who have been actively engaged in the conduct of elections in the country such as former Commission on Elections (COMELEC) Commissioners Haydee Yorac, Christian Monsod; former National Citizens Movement for Free Elections (NAMFREL) Chairperson Jose Conception; Philippine Center for Good Governance (PCGG) Chairperson; His Eminence Jaime Cardinal Sin (due to his role in EDSA 1); a UP History Professor and other significant personalities. In all the documentary showed how elections were so limited in the past. In fact, it presented that the elections during the later part of the Spanish colonial rule were exclusive only to those who have the stringent qualifications biased for the males, literacy, taxing capabilities, ownership of properties and others. Corollary, the chance to run for public office is also limited to those who have landholdings and were educated. But this limited access have been widened by the institutionalization of the democratic institutions by the American colonial rule as prepared by a number of US legislations. These organic acts essentially installed democratic ideals upon which people are given the chance to actively participate in the affairs of government, initially through elections. Proof to this was the right to vote granted to women in 1937 after a massive success reaped from a nationwide plebiscite on the matter. Philippine elections have long been open to the participation of the public, though there were interruptions as to how free it is during the Martial Law years. In fact, based on the well-researched documentary, elections during the time of Marcos were noted to be fraudulent ones due to massive cheating and anomalies. Elections according Mojares is a â€Å"collective rite of collective passage, with liminal phases, beginning with the preliminal period of ‘presubjectification’; the ‘limen’ of Election Day; and the postelection period of resubjectification during which results are validated, winners are proclaimed.† As for the progress of this essay, I will focus on the presubjectification period or the course of campaigns. It was noted that the way Filipinos conduct campaigns are actual replica of that of US. Luz Rimban, writing for the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism, stated that when US introduced elections in the Philippines it likewise included in the package its own style of campaigning, and this includes the use of mass media to somehow ‘manipulate public images’; the hiring of public relations and advertising professionals, and employing other sophisticated tools for campaign. The mass media had since then been useful in projecting the image of the Filipino politician the newspaper, radio and television were proven useful. The mass media exposure includes presentation of news coverage of the affairs of politicians. However, the use of mass media was strengthened by the passage of Republic Act 9006 otherwise known as the Fair Elections Act in February 2001. Section 3 of this legislation provides that: Lawful Election Propaganda. Election propaganda whether on television, cable television, radio, newspapers or any other medium is hereby allowed for all registered political parties, national, regional, sectoral parties or organizations participating under the party-list elections and for all bona fide candidates seeking national and local elective positions subject to the limitation on authorized expenses of candidates and political parties, observance of truth in advertising and to the supervision and regulation by the Commission on Elections (COMELEC). This opened the doors for a free use of the mass media as a means of launching a politician’s campaign. The most common among these mass media is the television. In fact, aside from the television and newspapers, other politicians made use of new technologies such as mobile phones and launching ‘text brigrades’, while others used the world wide web to introduce and sell themselves to the voters, especially the younger ones. In fact, for this May 14 elections, many political parties and candidates used Friendster as a means of inviting potential voters. Hence, the old type campaigning buttressed by the new legislation truly expanded the campaigns of running politicians. Included in the list, and the focus of my paper, are newspapers. They are as well tapped by politicians to place their advertisements in. Therefore, we can really say that the media has a huge role to play in Philippine elections. It is then a challenge to look deeper into these campaign ads and determine what particular political orientation are projected about the Filipino, in particular Cebuano, voters. How to look into this? I will look into the used and the face value of the print advertisement and from there analyze themes or connotations that would somehow clearly define the political orientation of the voters as reflected by it. To call this process content analysis or semiology would be an overstatement. Rather, this analytical framework is simply innovated. Campaign Ads: Cebu City Elections The candidates for Cebu City mayoral and vice-mayoral posts are Tomas Osmena VS. Mary Ann delos Santos and Michael Rama VS. Raymond Alvin Garcia, respectively. Both Tomas Osmena and Michael Rama are incumbent Mayor and Vice-Mayor of the City. Mary Ann delos Santos, on the other hand, was the Barangay Captain of Lahug, while Raymond Alvin Garcia is the son of former Cebu City Mayor Alvin Garcia. Each camp had been organizing their respective campaigns: the use of streamers, tarpaulin, leaflets, mobile ads and print advertisements were taken advantage. Hence, for the latter I decided to look into one of the leading local newspapers in the islands: Sun-Star Newspaper. I was able to scan the consecutive issues of Sun-Star Newspaper from April 1 up to May 12, 2007. Among the 42 issues the following were the breakdown:

Friday, September 20, 2019

The factors that affect venture creation

The factors that affect venture creation ABSTRACT This research was conducted to examine the factors that positively or negatively affecting venture creation. Previous of researches concentrate on discussing the variable affecting the formation of new business; while this research intends to examine a new set of barrier and motivation variables influenced entrepreneurship. Random sample of entrepreneurs who were formed a small business, another group of respondents who intended to create new business, but they were found barriers to create the business. 73 participants take part in this research to identify the motivation barrier factors in the process of new venture creation. Factor analysis was performed to examine the aspects that motivate or barrier the creation of new business in Egypt. Correlation matrix analysis was performed to examine the motive and barrier causes to determine its importance. Variable should be over 0.50 Factor loading to be included in the factor. The relative importance of the result motives and barriers factors were determined by undertaking a descriptive analysis. Finally, testing if there is or not any difference in terms of the result factors. Significant difference between education level and both (Independence and Lack of Skills), result show that respondent with high education level are independent and have skills more than respondent with low education level. Age group is significantly affecting the independence factor. Moreover affect the complaint cost, implies that older respondent are more independent and have a capital more than younger respondents. Marital status found insignificant on motivate or barrier to create a new venture. Years of Experience found significant in terms of intrinsic rewards, lack of capital and compliant cost. Type of business found significant in terms of Extrinsic Rewards, Lack of Capital and Lack of Skills. Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, New Venture, Small Business INTRODUCTION Entrepreneur creates value by carrying out new combinations causing discontinuity (Schumpeter 1936). According to (UNCTAD, 2007), business size defined based on the number of employees within the company, 0-9 (micro-businesses), 10-49 (small businesses), 50-249 (medium-sized businesses), 250 or more (large businesses). Numerous of Egyptian governmental authorities hardly work to foster the activities in different industries; The Industrial Modernization Program (IMP) is one of many initiatives of the Government of Egypt (GOE) supported by the European Commission (EC). Objective of this initiative is to help small business to develop global competitiveness in the industrial sector, to be able to benefit from the new opportunities that will follow the introduction of free trade and exposure to international markets. The Industrial Modernization Centre (IMC) is the implementation arm of the Program. Under IMP, Integrated Technical Assistance to Egyptian industrial companies will be delivered using business upgrading, training and export promotion services. This will address both companies determined to meet the competitive needs of the domestic market place, as well as those targeting export markets. Social Fund for Development (SFD), one of the most important mechanisms of society to change for the better as a safety net, reduce unemployment, create job opportunities and financing of small and micro business. Many aspects control the ability of create new ventures. Legal, political, and cultural environment directly impacts entrepreneurial activities and the ability to contribute to the economic development. International organizations, i.e., World economic forum (WEF), OECD and EUROSTATE designed indicators to measure the entrepreneurship and innovation worldwide and publish the indicators result in international publication in different languages and distributed worldwide. Networked readiness index (NRI) and Global competitiveness report (GCR), Global information technology report (GITR), is the most important report that produced by WEF. However, these publications determine the rank of each country. Investors depend on these reports to recognize investment opportunities. Several of barriers halt the creation of new venture; regulatory barriers come in the first important reasons affecting business formation. Regulations described as the policies that venture face during the formation phase, i.e. tax, labor market, fund, governmental regulations. Cultural and social barriers influence the creation of new venture. Lack of information and logistics about the market hold the business and exposed to risk. The promotion of entrepreneurial culture must be fostered in order to improve the motivation of persons for entrepreneurial activities. Economic and financial barriers strongly affect entrepreneurship, the risk of loss and fail is always dominant to stop the business. The tendency of self-employment is an important indicator of the success in creating a market economy. According to Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (2010 Q2), 14.5 % of the national workforce were self-employment managing employees, 12.1 % of the national workforce were self-employment and doesnt have employees to manage. According to (The Global Information Technology Report 2009-2010), Egypt ranked 41 for Venture capital availability, 63 for Business sophistication. 34 for Number of procedures required to start a business. 21 for Time required to start a new business, over 133 economy economies from the developing and developed world. That imply that governmental policies and procedures taken to foster the creation of new business and encourage SMEs to growth. Egyptian government gives especial interest to small business to enhance their capabilities to growth and face the local and international market. Egyptian government gives a different type of incentives for small business in different industries; information technology, agricultural and manufactures activities in the front of government interest to foster the economic and social development. Government gives donations and rebate for exporting goods outside Egypt reach to 10% of the total export sales amount. Therefore, the company can compete, take more international market share and enlarge business. To foster entrepreneurship, we need to recognize the barriers that affect entrepreneurship to overwhelm the barriers and create new policies, procedures to create a new venture. Many studies concentrate on the opportunities and challenge the entrepreneurs face in starting up new business. However, (Shaver Scott, 1991) have argued that traits approach would be a productive perspective in studying entrepreneurship. (Finnerty Krzystofik, Jul 1985) found insignificant influence among five demographic groups, gender, age, education level, salary and years of experience. Research raised some interesting result guide to some sort of deeply research, why gender position and number of dependents related to male or female affect the formation of new business, result also found that three important factors most influence creation of new business: 1) Market potential, 2) ability to secure finance, 3) return of investment and satisfaction of creation the business. This implies that family commitment enforces ones and becomes under stress to fulfill family needs. Ones will do anything possible to save reasonable life for his/her dependents. (Gendron, Feb 2000) Innovation involves a lot of trial and error. Entrepreneur tries on a small scale, and if he/she success, enlarge the scale of experiment, and if not, tries another. Big companies not built as big, i.e. Hotmail. It was a small entrepreneurial idea then developed and become the very large project. (Bhide, 2000) The characteristics of promising new venture and their founders are carefully defined and contrasted with those of more established firms, and we must examine the issue of the entrepreneurial personality. (JoAnn C Carland, Oct 2000) Although the concept of entrepreneurship still new, there is a big deal of researches in that area and more is being planned as entrepreneurship has finally come into fashion as a popular concept today. Recognize the phenomenon of entrepreneurship is unlikely given that we seem to jump into the middle of the process, business performance and growth, while neglecting its backgrounds. They explain the evidence that venture initiation acts of human choice, and to recognize why a person and not another chooses to create a venture. Over the past two decades, huge corporate reducing has led governments around the world to increasingly acknowledge entrepreneurs as key contributors to new job creation and economic growth. Egypt has joined the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) research project in 2008. Place Egypt on the global map of entrepreneurship and benchmarks its entrepreneurial performance against that in 42 developed and developing economies. According to (World Bank, 2011) Egypt has risen to 94th out of 183 economies in the 2011 Doing Business report, issued jointly by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF), after coming in 99th in the last years report. That implies the significant progress in the process of improvement undertaken by the Egyptian government to fostering the creation of new business. Why new venture is important? The new business role in enhancing community and developing economies was studied widely in prior researches, since new ventures to contribute significantly in economics development. Small Business is a job generator, and it has a great part in solving the unemployment problems. So, the Egyptian government has strongly emphasized on developing and encouraging entrepreneur to start and gives them many incentives. We cannot business startup a business without motivation (Robertson, et al. 2003). The common possible factors that affect entrepreneurial performance are the individual, social and environmental (Kavitha, et al., 2008). According to (Gibb, 1993) social factors may involve individual knowledge, family background, and stage of career, life experiences and growth environment. Small businesses form the largest business sector in every world economy (Culkin Smith, 2000). Research shows that small firms play a vital role in the flourishing economy. Since it shares in the real gross domestic product, employ a huge number of workforce. Moreover, self-employment serves as an opportunity for many of the people to better themselves by taking their fate (and risks) into their own hands and generating new businesses. In countries such as Malaysia, Brazil, Philippines, and India, small businesses can comprise as much as 60% of all companies. Even in Africa, businesses create more employment and generate more output than large businesses. However, In spite of small business dominance and its role both in terms of absolute numbers and its contributions in economic activity), small businesses are known by high failure rates and poor performance levels (Jocumsen, 2004). Previous studies outline some challenges and some opportunities facing entrepreneurs. People vary in their willingness and ability to engage in the entrepreneurial Process because of how they perceive the surrounding environment -challenges and. motivations- and translate their perceptions of risk and opportunity according to their norms and preferences. This variation influences the entrepreneurial decisions. Challenges facing the small ventures like, Taxes and Regulation. Small business owners frequently cite tax and regulatory policies as a concern, global competition (Chad Moutray, October 2008). In another survey which focused on the challenges and growth strategies of small businesses conducted by accounting group. The main findings were reported from 6000 independent small and medium businesses across 19 countries find that the competitive environment, the availability of a skilled workforce, financial problem, bureaucracy, lack of knowledge about markets, and political and social instability were the main challenges face small business. Global competition, lack of human resource/ development skills and access to adequate finance are the main challenges face all business in Africa (Brinders et al., 2003). The challenges differ from country to another but in all countries these challenges affect negatively on the success and survival of the enterprises. Motivations It is often said that a person cannot win a game that they do not play. In the context of entrepreneurship, this statement suggests that success depends on peoples willingness to become entrepreneurs. A business will neither start up nor succeed without motivation (Robertson et al, 2003). Motivation is reported as an individuals positive inner desire to start a business like, owners need to take control and change his/her work status as an employee, being ones own boss, wealth creation, lifestyle change and the desire to use or apply personal experiences and knowledge (Burke, et al., 2002); (Birley Westhead 1994); (Mason Pinch 1991); (Singh DeNoble 2003). The positive inner called pull forces. Furthermore, there are some negative motivations affect this decision. It is called negative drivers or negative motivation such as job frustration, lack of advancement opportunities, avoidance of low-paid occupations, escape from supervision and unemployment and retrenchment (Mo ore Buttner, 1997). These negative inner called push forces. Typically, small business ownership occurs from the combination of both pull and push forces. Combination of pull and push motivations that drive small venture is determined by the expectations of a positive change in personal circumstance, being ones own boss, personal freedom, personal satisfaction, a less rigid, more flexible lifestyle and more job satisfaction. (Al-Zubeidi, 2005) Then educational level combined with age, gender, ethnicity, and industry, to determine the relationships between founders educational background, and business success. (Harada, Nov 2004) examine whether the total factor productivity is affected by the human capital and gender of entrepreneurs, Empirical results also show that age has a significantly negative effect on productivity, and the negative effect increases after 60 years of age. The results specify the importance of starting up while young. Feasibility study, assessment of entrepreneur characteristics for some extent determines the approval of the project and the amount of governmental funds. (Liang, et al., 2007) in their study to examine the triggering factors to create the new venture found that the popular reason to start the new business was saw an opportunity 80.5%. A large proportion of the respondents indicated want to reach my full potential. (Shaw, et al., 2009) discuss the interaction between gender, entrepreneurial capital and firm performance; they examine how gender forms the possession of entrepreneurial capital and discusses the effects of capital variance for business performance. They found that male owners were more than double as likely to hire staff. In total, 33 % of male owners, but only 17 % of female owners hire additional staff, another finding that significant gender differences in two out of seven personal goals, with female business owner rating, personal achievement, challenging yourself and personal vision more highly than their male counterparts. (Krasniqi, 2009) The males, those who live in urban areas in a larger family, have a higher chance to involve in entrepreneurial activities, while a feeble positive effect of age and insignificant effect of marital status are found. (Orser Dyke, 2009) for some extent the importance of success criteria differed by gender, but not all success criteria: male and female managers and entrepreneurs did not differ with respect to the importance related to work-life balance. For female, an increase in the importance related to professional autonomy was associated with decreased chance of being employed in a management role. For male, an increase in importance related to financial issues was reflected in an increase chance of being employed in a management role. (Korunka, et al., 2010) build a model based on literature and case research. Family inactivity is considered to be a barrier factor to prevent the creation of forceful capabilities. They also found that family inactivity depends on characteristics of the family business culture, where entrepreneurial orientation influence family inactivity positively and negatively, respectively. The objective of this research is to identify the aspects triggers of barriers the creation of new venture. Study of these aspects helps government authorities to set policies and procedures to facilitate the growth of small business that leads to more contributions in domestic growth product (GDP). The previous literature forms the body of analysis and tries to answer the questions. 1) Does the demographic variable have a significant influence on motivation to create the new venture? 2) Does the demographic variable have a significant influence on the barrier to create the new venture? This paper will study external motivation/challenges and also the internal traits which affect the entrepreneurs decision to start up or stop venture in the rural area in Egypt. The study will concentrate on Giza, Cairo and Helwan governorates While, it does not discuss the policy solutions. Two hypotheses emerged. They are: H1: Demographic variable has a significant influence on motivation creating the new venture. H1a: Extrinsic Rewards H1b: Independence H1c: Personal Rewards H1d: Intrinsic Rewards H2: Demographic variable has a significant influence to the barrier creating the new venture. H2a: Lack of Capital H2b: Lack of Skills H2c: Compliant Costs MATERIALS AND METHODS The data from entrepreneurs was collected in several areas, including the entrepreneurs business motivations information, problems and barriers they faced. Setting: The research was conducted two questionnaires, one to measure the motivations and the second questionnaire to measure the obstacles and barriers the entrepreneurs found in starting up new ventures. The frequency analysis was used to describe the many types of variables, which were related to the entrepreneurs. Participants: A total number of 73 participants took part in the research article. From the sample, respondent sample stated below in Table 1. The data used for this research was collected from Giza, Cairo and Helwan governorates in the period November and December 2010; methodology of collecting data was a face to face interview. Reliability: Test Reliability test was concerned with the degree to which a measurement was free of error, and we can depend on it to measure. The result revealed a value of 0.73 for motivation factors and 0.81 for barrier factors, which suggest a fair level of internal consistency within the data collected, since the acceptable value is 0.70 or higher (McKinniRE:s et al. 2001). RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Table 1 show demographic variables into two groups that create a new venture and those didnt. There were no significant differences between the groups in five areas: marital status, education level, age group and years of experience. Significant difference is found in two areas: gender and type of business by 90% confidence interval. Table 1: Demographic Profile of Start-Up vs. Non-Start-Up New Venture Item Create New Venture Percentage Responding in Each Category à Ã¢â‚¬ ¡2 Sig. Gender Male Female 3.25a 0.07 Yes 26 (76.5%) 8 (23.5%) No 22 (56.4%) 17 (43.6%) Marital Status Single Married W Children Married WO Children 0.34b 0.84 Yes 27(79.4%) 3 (8.82%) No 5 (74.4%) 29(12.82%) Education Level Lower Tertiary Tertiary Master Doctorate 0.89c 0.64 Yes 24(70.6%) 10(29.41%) No 1 (2.6%) 27 (69.2%) 11(28.2%) Age Group 30-40 41-50 51-60 5.03d 0.17 Yes 4 (11.8%) 26 (76.5%) 3 (8.8%) 1 (2.9%) No 6 (15.4%) 23 (59.0%) 10 (25.6%) Years of Experience 5-10 11-15 15-20 > 20 years 2.25e 0.69 Yes 5 (14.7%) 11 (32.4%) 8 (23.5%) 9 (26.5%) 1(2.9%) No 3 (7.7%) 13 (33.3%) 9(23.1%) 10(25.6%) 4(10.3%) Type of Business Product Service Both 5.15f 0.08 Yes 9 (26.5%) 19 (55.9%) 6 (17.6%) No 3 (7.7%) 30 (76.9%) 6 (15.4%) Table 2: Correlation and Importance of Motivation Variables to Create New Venture Motivation Factors Mean Std. Dev. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1. To challenge myself 4.12 1.01 -0.02 0.15 0.13 .34** 0.00 0.17 .33** 0.17 0.17 -.10 .24* .27* -0.07 -.080 0.20 .28* 2. To realize my dream 4.23 0.91 0.16 0.19 0.22 .60** 0.13 0.18 .37** .29* 0.09 -.18 -.41** .24* 0.08 -0.09 -.33** 3. To earn more money 4.12 1.13 0.04 .26* .37** 0.22 .37** 0.04 -.18 .40** 0.19 0.00 -.29* 4. To provide a comfortable retirement 3.96 1.21 .31** -0.08 .49** 0.19 -.34** -.29* 5. To keep a large proportion of the proceeds 3.90 1.12 .33** -0.05 0.09 0.19 0.00 0.03 0.09 -0.06 6. To work at a location of my choice 3.78 1.12 .44** 0.18 .25* 0.16 0.09 7. To be my own boss 3.67 1.24 0.09 0.22 .36** 0.10 0.16 0.04 -.14 0.17 0.09 0.09 0.20 .59** .39** 8. To have an interesting 3.60 1.16 .40** .25* 0.12 .40** 0.12 0.13 0.10 0.08 0.15 0.14 0.03 0.15 9. To take advantage of a market opportunity 3.58 1.31 .46** .59** 0.02 0.02 .26* 0.10 0.13 0.09 0.09 10. To make my own hours 3.30 1.42 .40** .41** .46** -.30** 0.03 .43** -0.09 0.10 .36** .39** 11. To invest my personal savings 3.30 1.28 .43** -0.20 0.08 12. The need for a job 3.27 1.40 -0.09 0.13 .34** .37** 13. To increase my status/prestige 3.26 1.43 -0.01 0.10 14. To take advantage of my creative talents 3.25 1.46 0.13 0.16 0.15 .41** .360** 0.13 .56** -.26* -.15 .24* -0.04 0.16 0.14 .32** 15. To receive a salary based on merit 3.03 1.42 -.05 -0.14 .33** -0.01 0.12 0.10 0.04 16. To follow the example of a person I admire 2.73 1.44 .50** 17. To maintain a family tradition 2.30 1.21 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed) The respondents were motivated by a plenty of factors for starting new business. The motivating variables and its correlation with other factors exposed in Table 2. To challenge myself was ranked as the most important variable followed closely by to realize my dream and To earn more money. These findings are consistent with (Choo Wong, 2006). Entrepreneurs were found also motivated by a set of variables that relate to the issue of extrinsic rewards that include, To take advantage of a market opportunity, To receive a salary based on merit, To take advantage of my creative talents, The need for a job, To make my own hours, To keep a large proportion of the proceeds and To provide a comfortable retirement. Another set of variables in terms of independence. To be my own boss is consistent with (Choo Wong, 2006). Second motivation factors are related to independence that included: To be my own boss, To realize my dream and To have interesting. Third motivation factors in terms of personal reward include: To challenge myself, To Work at a location of my choice and To earn more money; this result is consistent with (Mazzaro, et al., 1999) Fourth set of motivation factors include: To invest my personal savings, To increase my status/prestige and To maintain a family tradition. important factor that conceded to create new business. The fourth set includes called intrinsic rewards; include investing my personal savings, to increase my status/prestige and To maintain a family tradition. Table 3: Rotated Component Matrixa for Motivation to Create New Venture Factors Rotated Component Matrix(a) Extrinsic Rewards Independence Personal Rewards Intrinsic Rewards Q8. To take advantage of a market opportunity 0.91 Q10. To receive a salary based on merit 0.88 Q3. To take advantage of my creative talents 0.86 Q13. The need for a job 0.84 Q7. To make my own hours 0.73 Q9. To keep a large proportion of the proceeds 0.66 Q11. To provide a comfortable retirement -.65 Q4. To be my own boss 0.78 Q2. To realize my dream 0.72 Q5. To have an interesting -.60 Q1. To challenge myself 0.74 Q12. To work at a location of my choice 0.74 Q6. To earn more money -.70 Q14. To invest my personal savings 0.78 Q15. To increase my status/prestige 0.66 Q17. To maintain a family tradition 0.58 Eigenvalues 4.82 2.44 2.02 1.82 Percentage of Variance Explained 28.34 14.33 11.90 10.72 Scale Reliability 0.83 0.59 0.58 0.51 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. a. Rotation converged in 7 iterations. The respondents were faced plenty of barriers for starting new business. The barrier variables and its correlation with other factors exposed in Table 4. The barriers and their descriptive statistics are shown in Table 3. Bad economic indicators in general were ranked as the most constraining start-up barrier to create new business that is consistent with (Choo Wong, 2006) who found these variables, which are general business environment in nature, were perceived as a major barrier among non-starters. Lack of info about biz start-up and High taxes and fee are closely the following the important factors. Three sets of barriers factors are extracted, the first is related directly to a lack of capital that include: Risk greater than initially expected, Lack of marketing skills, Lack of savings or assets, Lack of managerial/financial expertise, Difficulty in obtaining finance, Fear of failure and Finding the right partner, This was consistent with (Robertson et al, 2003) reported that lack of resources, in terms of financing was the major factor to forming a business. The second set is lack of skills that includes: Lack of support from family/friends, No one to turn to help me, the uncertainty of the future, convincing others it is a good idea and Lack of info about biz start-up. The third set of factors is complaint cost. That includes: Compliance with government regulations, finding suitable labor, Lack of suitable premises and High taxes and fee. A factor analysis was conducted to formulate the structure of motivation among studied variables. Factors were extracted from Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis, Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. Variable should be over 0.50 Factor loading to be included in the factor. In terms of the motivation factors, the resulting factors were interpreted as Extrinsic Rewards (seven items), Independence (three items), Personal (three items) and Intrinsic Rewards (three items). Only one item, which is To follow the example of a person I admire, failed to load onto any factor. Previous researches resulting three factors (Kurakto et al, 1997; Volery et al, 1997; Yusuf and Schindehutte, 2000; Choo Wong, 2006). Moreover, we have extract personal rewards as the forth factors affect creation of new business. The item loadings of the four resulting factors, collected with their respective eigenvalues and percentage of variance as shown in Table 3. This resulting factor solution accounted for 65.29 % of the variance. The resulting coefficient Cronbachs

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Summary of Great Expectations :: Great Expectations Essays

Great Expectations Great Expectations is one of many great books written by Charles Dickens, and in my opinion it will always be one of the great classics in English literature. Charles Dickens introduces Miss Haversham to the novel in the following way. The story is told by Pip, a grown man describing his experiences as a young common labouring boy in the early Victorian period. He sometimes tends to narrate the story as if through the eyes of an innocent child. The effect that has on the reader is that it brings out both a mature and young adventurous side in us, it also makes us feel sorry for Pip in a way, because of the way he was treated by his merciless sister. For example when Pip?s uncle Mr Pumblechuck tells Pip he has to go and entertain a woman he doesn?t know called Miss Haversham, his sister forces him to go even though he doesn?t want to with a threat. ?If Miss Haversham wants a boy to go and play there and of course he?s going, or I?ll work him?. The explanation for this is she never wanted Pip in the first place as he was dumped on her, so she was happy to get rid of him. When Pip is delivered by his uncle (although Pip is not allowed to call him uncle) at Miss Haversham?s mansion, he is informally greeted by a pretty young girl called Estella, who he takes a liking to at first sight, even after she refers him as ?boy? in a rude manner repeatedly. Once he enters through the creaky wooden gates notices a few details that may reflect on Miss Haversham, for example the clock has stopped on quarter to nine, the hedges haven?t been cut in a long time and there are bars on every window to keep someone in or out. When Estella guides him through a ridiculously dark tunnel with a candle instead of opening a pair of curtains, this suggest Miss Haversham wants to keep the outside world and light away from her, it could even reflect on the mood she?s in. the effect this would have on Pip is that, to him it?s a big mystery in a dark not knowing were his going to he end up, also hiding his fear and nervousness to impress Estella. Estella points to the door he must enter and leaves with the candle intentionally being cruel.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Population Situation in China Essay examples -- Impact Cause Effec

The Population Situation in China Introduction A country is said to be overpopulated when the number of people in an area exceeds that area's resource capacity to sustain human activities at a decent standard of living.(1) When the population cannot be maintained without rapidly depleting nonrenewable resources or converting renewable resources into nonrenewable resources quickly enough, measures must be taken either to control the population or increase the area's resources. The People's Republic of China experienced a population explosion after World War II that sent its population doubling to 550 million in 1950. The country's growth of 14 million per year is equal to a new Australia every year.(2) With the rapidly developing population situation, the Chinese government implemented many policies to curb the population growth. Many of such policies raised issues surrounding the repression of freedoms and the demeaning of human rights. This paper will outline the various reasons for China's population growth, it's impact a nd the various governmental policies to control population. China's Population Distribution China has more people than any other country. By the end of 1995, one out of every five people in the world lives in China. China had a population of 1,211.21 million living on the mainland. By contrast, the United States, with the third largest population, accounts for only one of every twenty people.(3) China's population density of 126 people per square kilometer (317 persons per square mile), according to the 1995 sample survey on one percent of China's population, is relatively high.(4) However, China does not have the highest population density in the world because of the country's vast land r... ...ina.html China Today,, 1996. One-Child Population Control Policy of Communist China, Palmer, M. "The Re-emergence of Family Law in Post-Mao China: Marriage, Divorce and Reproduction," 141 China Quarterly 110, 126 (March 1995). People's Republic of China Yearbook 1992-1993, No. 8 Rubenstein, J. M., An Introduction to Human Geography, 5th ed. (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1996). The Center for Reproductive Law and Policy, Inc. "Women of the World,", 1995. World Resources Institute, "China's Population Future,", 1994-95. Xiao, Z., "Integration of Population With Development: China's Practice," China Population Today, August 1994.